Travel Affiliate Program FAQs

Have a question about our program? Here are the most asked about questions

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What does AirHelp do?

AirHelp is a service that helps airline passengers to get the compensation that’s owed to them after a disrupted flight (including cancellations, delays and overbookings). Since we started in 2013, we are proud to have helped over 16 million passengers who’ve experienced travel trouble.

Which flights/airlines do you work with?

We work with all airlines. What’s more important is where the flight disruption occurred, as we are best able to help passengers flying in the EU where they are covered within the EC 261 framework.

This law covers compensation for passengers if:

  • The flight is delayed by more than 3 hours.

  • The flight is canceled less than 14 days before departure.

  • The passenger was denied boarding for no fault of their own (e.g. by showing up too late or missing the required documentation).

Location wise, the flights included are

  • All flights departing from a EU airport regardless of the airline’s nationality.

  • All flights landing at EU airports if operated by EU airlines.

  • Intra EU flights.

How do I join your affiliate program?

Just leave us your name, email, and main website from where you would be promoting AirHelp here.

Do I need to have my own website?

You don’t need to build your own website to promote AirHelp. However, the promotion happens through a link, so you will have to have a way of sharing your affiliate link online.

We expect our affiliates to be active online, with regular promotions and an engaged audience. Having a clear picture of how our product can reach your audience and where our content would be is important for the program’s organization, as well as for setting the commissions. If you’re not sure if you meet these requirements, contact us at [email protected] so that we can discuss your case.

What kind of websites do you accept? Can I promote you on social media?

Flight delays happen to everybody!

We are open to accepting different kinds of websites and traffic, as long as they don’t feature mature or violent topics. You don’t need to have a big following, however, in case we don’t have enough information about the size of your audience during your application, we will contact you.

The more people see your link, and the more you explain about how AirHelp can help air passengers, the higher the chance of a conversion will be.

What kind of promotion do you accept/reject?

We do not enforce any particular route of promotion, but the main thing is the sharing of the trackable affiliate link within its full format and inserted as a SEO friendly no-follow link.

The following traffic is strictly forbidden for AirHelp’s affiliates:

  • Deeplinking to global page or spoofing the site in anyway.

  • Brand bidding. Affiliates are not allowed to use their affiliate referral link under a paid traffic campaign, or to bid for other misspellings of AirHelp’s brand name in Google or Bing

  • Direct link ads in Google,Bing, Facebook and Instagram. Search marketing PPC campaigns are fine, but must direct traffic to a landing page created by the affiliate, which features their referral link.

  • Unsolicited commercial email

  • Doorways Incentive or automated traffic

  • Teaser/Banner networks

  • Impersonation of AirHelp in any local social media channels

Are you interested in PPC promotion?

AirHelp has its own in-house Paid-Ads team, working across all of our markets. This team works independently from the Affiliate program.

We can only pay affiliates per successful claim, and will, under no circumstances, pay per click. However, we do not forbid affiliates from running paid ads towards their pages that feature their affiliate link.

Do you also work with Apps?

We know that most passengers wait till they are on their laptops to submit their claim (something about gathering all their documents), but we are happy to partner with Apps as our affiliates!

Please get in touch with [email protected] to discuss how we can work together.

How much commission will I receive?

You will receive a percentage of AirHelp’s usage fee per each successful claim.

A successful claim means any claim where we have been able to help the passenger receive compensation from their airline.

For more information, please share your traffic data with [email protected] and we can discuss further.

How can I get more money?

How much money we earn is not a secret, AirHelp takes a commission per claim won, up to a maximum of the equivalent of 50% if we need to go to court to cover our legal fees. However, not all claims are worth the same.

Under EC 261, the highest possible claim value a person can receive depends on the length of the flight

  • Under 1,500 km: €250.

  • Between 1,500 km and 3,500 km: €400.

  • Over 3,500 km: €600.

The further your audience flies, and the more people travelling together, the higher the claim value will be — and so the more you will receive as your commission.

When and how do I get paid?

Once per month, AirHelp will automatically generate an invoice with all of the claims coming from your link that were successfully paid out within that month. Our finance team will transfer the money to you via bank account transfer.

Based on Article 44 of the EU VAT Directive, businesses-to-business (B2B) services are taxed in the country of the service’s recipient (AirHelp). AirHelp is based in Berlin working under company registry: AirHelp Germany GmbH. This means affiliates based in the EU have to provide their VAT number. Invoices will be produced with 19% VAT on top of the commission total for affiliates in Germany, and 0% reverse charge VAT for affiliates based elsewhere within the EU. In case of your national requirements being different, the invoice will act as an official document for your financial advisor.

How long does a successful (paid) claim take?

The Affiliate program is not connected to the customer service, and can’t directly influence the claim process or its timelines.

Many factors influence the time it takes for a claim to be successfully paid, from the passenger’s speed of response to the airline’s decisions regarding the claim.

Our priority is to get justice for our customers as quickly and efficiently as possible, but it may still take a period of months to succeed — especially if the airline isn’t responsive and we need to take legal action.

Affiliates will receive their payment the same month the payout from the airline is received, and for as long as the claim remains open on our system, the affiliate compensation shall not expire.

Are you also working with affiliate networks?

We manage our own affiliate program in-house, through our own software solution. But, you can also find us on:


CJ Network

Can I work with you directly and also through a network?

You are welcome to promote AirHelp through our private program or in any of our partner networks. However, AirHelp is contractually not able to accept affiliates who have previously signed up for our offer through any of our networks. Partners who are found to have done so, at any point will have their account closed immediately. AirHelp is not obligated to remunerate for any claims generated by network partners on our private program.

Why was my application rejected?

We can’t accept partner signups that include the following:

  • Incomplete or no link during the sign up (ex. ‘’ instead of the account name). Offline Affiliate activities from Companies would have to be discussed expressly.

  • Empty or under construction Platforms, websites, channels

  • Private social Media Accounts without sizeable follower numbers

  • Websites without imprint or contact details

  • Partner who engage in forbidden traffic

  • Partners who where previously publishers of our offer in our networks

  • Content that is any way unlawful, in breach of property rights, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene or indecent, harassing, or discriminatory on the grounds of disability, race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or otherwise objectionable

AirHelp has been featured in:

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AirHelp is a part of the Association of Passenger Rights Advocates (APRA) whose mission is to promote and protect passengers’ rights.

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